Yeah, this took quite some time. Not my fault. Routenote had some problems getting the album in the shop. But, thanks to James from the Routenote support, we got the problems solved and now you can buy our first album "Heroes of the Popp-Culture" online finally for just 8,45$. No need anymore to order it via mail. Yes, I know some folks found that process more than just inconvinient. So sorry, but not everything in life is convinient ;)
EMERGENCY NOTICE: By accident a early unfinnished version of track number 3 "Popp-Corn" ended up in the album release. So if you are a early purchaser of the album and got that unfinnished version, please contact me, and I will send you the real thing. You can easily identify the unfinnished version, because it repeats the same phrase all the time after a while and ends appruptly instead of softly fading out at the end. Sorry for that little mistake. The release on Routenote is 100% correct!
And here's the link to the album in the Routenote shop: JUST CLICK HERE!